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Software Testing
Please download Test resources to test & compare Moyea SWF To Video Converters with other SWF converters!
1. Music flash controlled by script:
Download Beautiful.swf
2. Interactive game flash:
Download GangsterPursuit.swf
Download CrusaderTrank.swf
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1. What’s the license type of Moyea SWF to Video SDK? Do we have to buy another copy if we need to transfer it to the hosting server?
Please note that a Server License ONLY allows the SOFTWARE to be installed and used on ONE physical server machine and on ONE Web site. But does not limit the number of developers and users to access it.
For MULTIPLE physical servers or ONE physical server with MULTIPLE web sites, additional licenses should be acquired.
This license does NOT grant you the right to integrate the SOFTWARE in any commercial products, which are meant for further sales and distributions.
2. Does this SWF to Video SDK support to run on Windows 2008 server?
The program supports to run on Windows Server 2008, but you need to active the Windows Media Player on it.
Please kindly follow the below steps to active the Windows media player on your Win2008.
Installing Windows Media Player (via Adding a Windows Server 2008 Feature)
1) Launch Server Manager. You can find that in Start > Administrative Tools > Server Manager.
2) Find and click the Add Features link. Hint: It’s under Features.
3) Find the Desktop Experience check box.
4) Select next or Install and follow the directions in the wizard.
5) It may require a reboot.
Any questions, feel free to contact us at support@swfkits.com.
3. Does this SWF to Video SDK program work with Linux?
The program doesn't support to run on Linux directly at present except you go to install a Virtual Machine such as VirtualBox or vmware on your Linux system, and install Windows in the Virtual Machine, and then make a website to run our program on Windows.
4. Is a sound card necessary for the server that we use the program on?
A sound card is not necessary now.
We have added "-nosoundcard" option since Version 2.0 of the SWF to Video SDK. If your server doesn't have sound card, you could use the "-nosoundcard" parameter in your command line and then try.
5. The SWF file I want to convert just has one frame or several frames, and it doesn’t display correctly after conversion. How to convert this kind of SWF file?
Please refer to the SWF to Video SDK White Paper and add “-dt” option in your command line, and then try.
Besides, if you know SWF programme, you could use "-stevent" and “-edevent” option in the program White Paper.
6. Is there a way to capture a thumbnail image of one frame from SWF to Video SDK?
This function is not available at present but being developed now. Please keep an eye on our software.
7. The program prompted an error message stating conversion failed. Any idea?
Please kindly feedback the details to support with your OS, command line and original SWF file so that we could check and give you solutions.
8. How to activate the conversion of SWF to Video SDK using C# but not command line?
The sample program:
// Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
// Program.cs
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace SWFtoVideoSDKDemo
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string fileName = @"C:\Program Files\Moyea\SWF to Video SDK\SWF2VideoCMD.exe";
string arguments = " C:\\demo.swf" + // input swf source
" -out C:\\demo.avi" + // out put file
" -fr 25" + // frame rate
" -size 640x480"; // dimension
Process SWFtoVideoSDKProcess = new Process();
SWFtoVideoSDKProcess.StartInfo.FileName = fileName;
SWFtoVideoSDKProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = arguments;
SWFtoVideoSDKProcess.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
Console.WriteLine("Exit Code: " + SWFtoVideoSDKProcess.ExitCode);
catch (Win32Exception e)

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